Monthly Archives: 四月 2021

Under what circumstances can I only apply for a refund for an entire mall order?

If the member pay for a mall order containing multiples […]

How to apply for a refund of mall order(General refund) ?

You can apply for refund for unused orders.jungle infla […]

How to redeem the mall coupon?

Go to the redeemable merchant address shown in mall pag […]

Can I redeem/earn PReds when I consume in PRed mall?

Yes, members can redeem PReds when they consume in PRed […]

Can I use coupons in PRed account when I consume in PRed mall?

No, coupons in PRed account can only be used for consum […]

What is PRed mall?

PRed mall is the mall of PRed App. Members can purchase […]


若会员使用工银e支付或部分/全部使用红点积分支付一笔包含多家商品的商城订单,则红点商城仅支持整单退款;若会员已 […]


红点商城支持会员对未使用订单申请退款。 点击“我的”>“商城订单”,打开商城订单界面; 找到想要申请退款 […]


前往商城商家页面所提供的可兑换商家地址; 点击“我的”>“商城订单”,打开商城订单界面; 找到想要兑换的 […]


能,在红点商城消费可以使用红点积分进行抵扣,并且在红点商城消费后,到店进行兑换实体商品或服务即可获得相应红点积 […]