Monthly Archives: 八月 2020

How to redeem coupons(experience coupons)?

1.Click ‘Me’>’Coupon’; 2.Cli […]


1.点击“我的”>“礼券”; 2.点击想要使用的体验券上的“立即使用”按钮; 3.点击二维码标识,礼券兑 […]


1.點擊“我的”>“禮券”; 2.點擊想要使用的體驗券上的“立即使用”按鈕; 3.點擊二維碼標識,禮券兌 […]

How to check coupons?

Open PRed platform App>’Me’>’Co […]


打开红点平台App>“我的”>“礼券”,会员即可看到所持有的全部可使用的礼券。点击页面右上角的“查看无效礼券” […]


打開紅點平台App>“我的”>“禮券”,會員即可看到所持有的全部可使用的禮券。點擊頁面右上角的“失效禮券”查看 […]

Where can I see the PRed rate?

Members can earn fixed reward according to the PRed rat […]

What is dynamic reward?

Besides fixed rewards earned according to PRed rate of […]

What is the PRed account?

It’s the PRed wallet account based on the blockch […]

What is the member account?

Once the member registers successfully, he/she will get […]